3rd Party Consent

Consent to allow access to medical information
for a third-party

Section 1:

Non-urgent advice: Foreword

Please complete this form if you wish to grant a representative the ability to communicate with us about you. This will enable them to gain information about you and your medical problems, talk to us about your care, and give and receive information about you. It will not entitle them to order copies of your medical records, sign consent on your behalf, withdraw care or sign an order to prevent your resuscitation.

Giving consent to someone else to communicate with us about you and your medical problems is a very significant step and you should give it serious consideration before you give consent. You need to consider what they might learn about you and your problems that you did not want them to know and have fully considered the ramifications of giving that consent. Once they learn information about you, they might also share it with others that you did not intend to have that information. If you are unsure about giving consent, we advise that you do not give it and that you seek legal advice before proceeding.

By completing this form you are confirming that you have contacted all individuals mentioned informing them that their details will be added onto your medical records.

Section 2: Patient’s Details


Date of Birth
Current Address

Section 3: Representative’s Details


Section 4: Extent of Consent


Section 5: Leaving Voicemails

In accordance with the Data Protection Act, the Practice needs consent from any patient that has an answerphone and is happy for us to leave a message. If we do not have a consent, we will be unable to leave messages on an answerphone or with a 3rd party.

Section 6: Patient’s Declaration
